I am so far behind on posting!!! Since we returned from Disney World, things have been a whirlwind! About 2 weeks after we got home, MiMi went in for what was supposed to be a simple surgery. Well, the surgery was a little more complicated than what the docs originally thought thus, taking her down time from a few days to a couple of weeks. I helped out around the house while she was down. This all encircled the 4th of July holiday, which as everyone knows is a biggy at the lake! For a solid week and a half, not only was I helping with the house and MiMi, but also helping host 2 sets of out of town family guests. In the middle of all that, Jackson had all-star tournaments! Things are finally starting to settle down, well for the most part anyway! I am now trying to get everything ready for Tripp's 1st birthday party this weekend. In the midst of that, sickness has fallen on the house! Jackson, Dale and myself were sick all weekend and now Granny is sick!! Needless to say, as per usual the invitations went out late and I am behind on the decorations!! I did manage to get the cutest cake ordered for the party, the caterer only had 1 spot left for the week and thankfully I got it! I would have never guessed that it would be so hard to find "sailboat" decorations! Britt and I are feverishly using our mad creative skills and are making the decorations. I had a few minutes so I decided to drop a post and a few cute pics I have taken over the last few weeks. Trust me they have been few and far between here lately!
Clete's "self portrait" |
Morning giggles! |
The soon to be Birthday Boy! |
More soon to be Birthday Boy! |
Sweet boy eating spaghetti for the 1st time! |
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