Sunday, April 26, 2009


Dale and the boys arrived safely at the track! They left this morning at 5:30. There is sooo much going on at the track pre-race, as a bonus they were given FREE PIT PASSES!!! As soon as they started milling around, my phone was bombed with picture after picture. Dale refused to take my camera, said he didn't want to keep up with it. The boys had an absolutely great time! We still can't believe that they were given free pit passes, they are about $30.00 a piece! Britt called to let me know that they had gotten them and was beside himself, all he kept saying was " We're on the track Momma, we're on the track with the cars!" While Jackson and Dale were looking at Dale Jr.'s car, one of the pit crew gave Jackson a lug nut from Jr.'s car, he was so excited. Of course there were all the pretty girls too! We got all the boys pictures with at least 2. Ladies if you have a problem with your husband being around pretty, scantily clad women, don't send them to Talladega! I don't mind at all though, I know where he sleeps at night! The race itself was AWESOME! From the "Big One" at the beginning to the spectacular, yet kinda dangerous finish! I am so grateful and thankful that they got to go and experience it! Dale works so hard and these are the perks sometimes. I mean free Talladega tickets don't come around too often and to top that free pit passes too!!

Clete and I just hung around the house today. We played outside all day. We also treated ourselves to an ice cream cone. The best part was the 3 hour Sunday Siesta that we took. I had to wake the child up at 5:00!! Dale and boys returned at 8:00, they were all sunburned and whipped, but still on cloud 9. That was a trip that our boys will never forget and I am so happy that they had such an outstanding time!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Today was a great day for us. Jackson had a baseball game at 10:00 so we got an early start. Jackson's team won the game, they came from behind to win 11-9. Jackson also got himself a good hit today breaking his slump he was in as well as pitched a great game, he got the win!! The sun was amazing so of course I fried like a fish. After the game we headed up to the lake for a day on the boat. It was soooo nice, it was our first boat ride of the season and Clete had a great time! The water, however is still freeeeezing! When we returned home Dale had a great surprise for the boys: they are all going to the race in Talladega!!. Britt also got to invite one friend. One of the perks of owning your own business is that you are often offered freebies. A concrete rep that Dale knows gave him 4 tickets to the race, on the start finish line! Dale was going to take some other business associates but they couldn't go. Oh well, maybe next time, Britt, Jackson and Daltons gain! I of course, forgot my camera AGAIN so no pictures of our boat ride, hopefully we will get to go to the lake a couple more times this summer and I will get pics then. Baseball takes up the majority of our summer and Dale's all star tourney starts the weekend of July 4th. Anyway we are still up, it's 10:30 and the boys are all getting their chores done and getting showers. They best hurry, 5:00 AM comes early, but it will be worth it. A day at the races with Daddy!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday MiMi!

Today is my mothers 70Th birthday!

Saturday night we all took her out to eat at Logan's. We had a pretty big crowd there: Dale, me, Britt, Jackson, Clete, Jeff (brother), Wanda (sister-in-law), Tori, Paul, Tiffany, Peter (brother) and Joan (sister-in-law) and of course the birthday girl. The food was great and everybody had a good time.
After dinner we all went to Jeff and Wanda's for cake and ice cream. Clete helped Momma blow out the candles on her cake!
While everyone was enjoying the cake and ice cream, Clete helped Momma open her presents. He gave her our present first, proudly announcing as he pulled the gifts from the bag "We got you a purse and oooohhhh some lotion and oooohhhh some more lotion!" It was classic. The cake was strawberry with homemade butter cream frosting, it was scrumptious!
The weather this weekend was so wonderful, we got to go to ball practice with Jackson, then to Dale's ballgame Friday night. Saturday before all the birthday festivities, we were able to get out and do a little shopping as well as several rounds of blowing bubbles. Shiloh and Jake enjoyed this as well, they chased the bubbles all over the back yard. I hope the the weather has finally stabilized, I am ready for Summer!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Well the family Easter Egg hunt was great! Clete found the "Golden Egg", the surprise inside was $20.00! All the kids had a great time and from what I hear the food was great(I was feeling under the weather,as always, and didn't eat). I would post some pics, but amidst all the chaos no one remembered to get the camera from my purse! As the old cliche goes " If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" Fun was had by all though so I guess you'll just have to picture it in your head, SORRY!

This morning Clete awoke to find that the Easter Bunny had visited him during the night! In his basket he found copious amounts of candy and chocolate, as well as a stuffed Easter Bunny. Britt also had a package from the Easter bunny, his was the same minus the stuffed bunny. The Easter Bunny also left a precious pink lamb for Clete's cousin Lila! It is now time for the race to begin to get ready for all the days festivities, I will post all the photos tonight.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Dale!!!

Jackson checking out his loot!

Clete with the Easter Bunnies!

Dale's Birthday Surprise-Chocolate Chip Pancake

All the family celebrating Dale's Birthday

Dale and his love!

I wanted to take a quick minute to wish my awesome husband a very Happy Birthday!! Today we will be attending Jackson's baseball game at 11 and then off to eat birthday lunch with Dale and his parents. After lunch we are going to Jackson's baseball coaches house, he and his wife have invited all the kids and their siblings to an Easter Egg hunt and cookout. Last night I
filled 4 dozen plastic eggs with candy, 2 dozen to take today and 2 dozen to take to the family hunt on Sunday! This weekend should be a blast for Clete! As for today though, I am focused on making it a wonderful day for an outstanding husband and father! Dale is the greatest and the kids and I are very privileged to have him in our lives!! I love you Grumpy!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BIG weekend!!

All the boys

Make a wish!


The birthday boy!

This past weekend was all that I thought is was cracked up to be!! Friday night Jackson had a baseball game, they won!! Saturday I helped to host my oldest nieces Bridal shower. The shower was great and the food yummy! I indulged in the cheesecake squares, I think I probably ate 10 by myself! Tori received a lot of nice gifts as well. After the shower I returned home to resume my motherly duties. I had to bake Jackson's birthday cake. This cake turned out to be a pretty ugly cake. I think I was just so tired that all my baking skills went out the window! I made it work however, and it tasted pretty good. Sunday was Jackson's birthday party. We had the family over to share cake and punch with us. Of course I had the OCD thing going on all morning about the house being clean, but thankfully my husband stepped in and helped me out tremendously. Jackson got a ton of money and a Zebco 33! He is our child that loves to shop, I am quite sure that he has spent all his money by now. Along with all the fun of the weekend came a downside, all day Sunday I felt sooo tired. It seemed as the day wore on the worse I felt, which is not a pleasant thing when you have a house full of people! I went to bed early that night only to wake up Monday morning in pain! Turned out that I had a double ear infection and sinus infection. I have felt terrible all week, this is the reason it has taken me long to post about the weekend. I hope I feel better by the weekend, it is gearing up to be just as busy as last. Saturday we have more baseball and it is Dale's birthday, then Sunday all the Easter festivities. Oh well if not I will do as always, grin and bear it!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Jackson!

We want to wish our favorite 11 year old a very Happy Birthday! We love you Jackson!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Birthdays, Bridal Showers and Baseball! Oh My!

This weekend will be chock full of activity!! On Friday night Jackson has a baseball game, the copious amount of rain that we have received in the last few weeks has caused games to have to be rescheduled. Saturday will prove to be the big test of my multi-tasking skills. Jackson has another baseball game on Saturday morning. My niece Tori's bridal shower is Saturday afternoon. I think that Dale and his Dad are going to have to take on the task of corralling Clete at the ballgame. I can't wait for the shower! I hope that she gets a lot of cool stuff. Saturday is also my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Damaris! After all the events of the day it will be time for me to make the cake for Jackson's birthday. It probably will prove to be a late night, but Dale wants me to bake the cake rather than get a store bought cake. My hubby loves for me to cook, I keep him fed well!! Sunday is Jackson's 11Th birthday! I can't believe that he is 11, where has the time gone? Jackson is my shopping buddy, he is the only one that willingly goes shoe shopping with me and will give me honest opinions on my choices. Jackson has the sweetest disposition, he loves his brothers with all his heart and will make a wonderful father someday. I remember how worried I was before Clete was born, I just didn't know how Jack was going to react to not being the baby anymore. I often sat thinking of things that we could do with Jackson to make sure he knew he was still just as special as always. My fears proved to be unfounded though, as soon as that beautiful baby boy was born, Jackson took right to him! All Jackson wanted to do was hold Clete and take care of him. Jackson is a very special part of our lives, he was not born to me physically, but he was born in my heart! We will be having the family over for cake and ice cream to celebrate. Hopefully this weekend will go on without a hitch, then on to next weekend. Here comes Peter Cottontail!!!