We started off our weekend Friday night with a yummy dinner at Shogun to celebrate Dale's birthday, which was Wednesday. The food was great and the show was most entertaining. This was Clete's first time eating at Shogun, so he was kind of on the fence about the whole experience. He really didn't like the huge fireball in his face and when the chef shot him with the fake soy sauce he was a little upset! He just KNEW that the chef had squirted sauce all over his shirt! Tripp, of course, was a little trooper since it was way past his bedtime. He is the BEST baby, just goes with the flow wherever we go! Dale really enjoyed his dinner though!
I got a phone call while we were in route to Shogun from Britt, who was in Orange Beach with his grandparents. He had just gotten out of the hospital! Britt has been pretty sick over the last few weeks. He started with Mono, which then turned into pneumonia! He had been feeling better though, so he decided to go with Nana and Popa to Orange Beach. While there he decided to take his bike for a ride, not such a good idea! While riding he got toooo hot and fainted, went over the handlebars and landed with the bike on top of him. He was still unconscious when the park ranger found him. Thankfully, after an ambulance ride to the hospital and many test, it was determined that he was OK. Just a skinned chin and knuckles! Like to have scared me to death!
Sweet Tripp |
The Cook Crew |
Sweet Jackson and Clete |
Being silly! |
Clete intently watching the chef prepare the food |
Little Tripp still being a trooper! |
After dinner Clete rode on to the lake with MiMi and Pop to spend the night. We went up Saturday after Jackson's baseball game. Saturday night we all loaded up and went to Niffers for some grub, sans Granny, Dale and Tripp who decided to stay at the house and watch the Braves game. When we got home and were unloading, the boys were surprised by Trey with a new paddle boat! In all the excitement Jackson scaled some bushes by the house only to land feet first in a trashcan full of nasty water!! Wish I had my camera out, it was hysterical! Jackson is OK though, just a skinned up shin! The rest of the night was spent talking about all things Disney! We all can't wait for our trip, it is going to be so much fun! Tab and Trey are also going with their two boys, it is going to be one fun filled testosterone driven trip! They all agree on one thing definitely, NO PRINCESSES! We all picked with them about this the rest of the weekend!