Tuesday, February 3, 2009

10 Honest Things About Me

I guess I have been tagged to reveal a list of 10 honest things about myself. That is a subject that is rarely explored so I will do my best!

1. I love peanut butter. I can go get a spoonful of the wonderful, fatty goodness and eat it as a snack.

2. My family is my LIFE. I am very protective of my husband and 3 boys. If you cross one of them in any way, you are taking the bull by the horns!!

3. I cannot go to bed at night if there are dirty dishes in the sink. Sounds a little crazy, but its the truth. I just can't do it.

4. I LOVE jewelry! Thankfully I have been blessed with a husband who does like to spoil me a bit. There is not a year that goes by that I do not get a new piece of BLING!! I love you baby! You ARE the MAN!

5. I am addicted to chap stick. At night it seems like every 15 minutes or so I am going to the bathroom to re apply my chap stick.

6. I love to play on the computer. In many ways its my only communication with the outside world. Try to have a conversation with a 3 year old pulling on your leg, its not very easy.

7. I am a germifobe! I can't ever just sit down and rest when I am at home. I am constantly wiping down counter tops, vacuuming floors, sweeping and straightening up toys. I can't relax unless everything is clean and in its place. A place for everything and everything in its place!

8. I AM a CAT person. Cats are born into this world with their own little personality, each is different. Dogs are what the owners make them, I love dogs too though. Much love to Abby and Sox; Willie, Shiloh and Jake.

9. I don't like to have my picture taken. I just don't make good pictures, there is always something funky going on with my skin or hair.

10. I love to watch my husband and our boys together. Whether they are playing football or baseball outside, playing the guitar or just hanging out watching TV, its great to see the love and trust they have for each other. They are the best gifts in life that I will ever receive and I am grateful to have them.

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