Thursday, February 5, 2009


I just wanted to take a little time to express how lucky I am. I was watching my husband last night with our 3 year old and was just overwhelmed with emotion! It is an absolute joy to watch them together. Dale is a wonderful father! He always takes the time to play with Clete, a lot of dads are too absorbed in what they want to be doing rather than spend that extra little moment with their kids. Last night they sat together and played with play dough, puzzles and of course the good ole tickle monster. After bath time I watched as they sat together and said nighttime prayers. That just warmed my heart. Clete's brothers also spend a lot of time with him. When we get home in the afternoons, the first thing that Britt does is ask Clete what he did today and if he had fun. There are not a lot of older brothers out there that care what their little brothers did much less if they had fun doing it. They are both so gentle with him and never treat him as just an "annoying little ankle biter". I guess that they have learned that gentle nurturing way from the best, their Dad, Dale. Dale is doing such a good job at teaching them not only how to be young men, but also how to be good fathers and husbands. I am so Blessed to have them all and am so very proud to call them mine. Dale is the BEST Dad and husband in the world and I love him more than words can express.

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